James had to go to an AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meeting FOR A CLASS ASSIGNMENT one day. No one knew who he was. He was not a teaching pastor or a seminary student. He was just there to be with them and learn from them. This was a room full of gruff looking men who came to be rid of their ugly addiction. Some now chain smoked just to keep from drinking. Many of these men would come to a meeting everyday if they had to. They thrive on transparency and community. They need constant covering and accountability. James came home that day and smelled of cigarette smoke for the rest of the afternoon. And he thought nothing of it because these were G-d's people who are doing the best they can muster up to make it. As a minister these were his people.
I chuckle and tense up and pause as I write how the meeting ended...As James tells it - The person who was leading the group said, "And we know there is only one person who can get us out of our (you fill in the colorful expletive) situation. And that's who?"
And the rest of the room replied, "the Father" in unison, followed by the Lord's Prayer.
I tense up because some adjectives should not ever be used in the same paragraph as G-d. I chuckle because I know that G-d is not nearly as tense as I am because sometimes there will be cuss words. Sometimes unfiltered prayers will rise from unchurched lips through a cloud of cigarette smoke to the ears of the Father.
I saw this video. It's pretty amazing.
I love these lyrics which strengthen my own faith but I also love this random group of people worshiping G-d publicly in a non-church setting. One attentive youtube viewer caught a glimpse of a bottle...a beer bottle perhaps...maybe A&W Root Beer. No one knows but this particular viewer wanted an explanation of it's cameo during a time of worship. I read their response and thought..."Oh, you missed it." You missed how G-d was moving in that place just like He moves in AA meetings and at Groups Homes for rebellious, disrespectful youth. If you aren't careful you'll miss the work of the Holy Spirit on the heart of the drug dealer, the abuser, criminal, the ex-stripper, your brother, or mom, niece or neighbor...because all you see are "beer bottles" all you hear are cuss words and all you smell is cigarette smoke.
Don't get me wrong. I believe in holy and righteous behavior before a holy and righteous G-d. But some us have been on "Sin Patrol" for far too long. Because sometimes in the midst of addiction and vulgarity you, if you are looking for it, you can see the sanctifying work of G-d flooding lives with mercy and grace and that is something you do not want to miss.