Mo Information

Leaning on my boo's shoulder

 33 years old (and loving every day of it)! When I was younger I remember my mom describing the incredible clarity she experienced when she was 32. I could not wait to turn 32. She said that life slowed down and she understood herself better. Things that were a "big deal" and caused her stress just didn't anymore...
She was right.

 B.S. from Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, TX. Majored in Biology/Premed and minor in Combined Sciences and Math
             MDIV from G.W. Truett Theological Seminary in Waco, TX. Concentration in Youth & Family Ministry

Married to James Hoskins whom I met in Seminary...We were married 02.16.13
We have a beautiful baby girl together.

I just love to write. It is cathartic. It is my form of artistic expression. My mind is simply complex and I think the act of verbal articulation of thoughts and experiences is nothing short of miraculous. Most of my friends are theologians. I've been having theological discussions almost everyday since August of 2008. Tired. Now I just want to talk about my husband and ponder how my theological stances measure up to the challenges of marriage...even moreso, the challenges of being in an interracial relationship. So some posts will be in black and white and others can be read in any color. Orthodoxy is where many of us like to hang our hats but orthopraxy is usually where we get hung up. So here's to doing the covenant marriage well and being transformed into Christ's image everyday.

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