Friday, August 31, 2018

15,000 gallons

I need at least 6 months to plan birthday parties and other familial gatherings.  I consider every possible pitfall. I stay 10 steps ahead of Murphy and his wicked laws. I book the numbers, as my dad would say, so that we barely notice a hit to our budget. My aim is Pinterest-perfection with a dash of fun because we all know the children just want cake and an empty box to play with. The actual party is to satisfy the berating voice in this mom's head and fill up the photo album. In November 2017 my girls requested a Minnie Mouse, Pizza - MacnCheese, Pool-Party extravaganza  and the show is on in t-minus 12 hours.   The one pitfall that tripped us up - the mysterious loss of 15,000 gallons of pool water. Dang you Murphy! (*Raises fist of righteous indignation).

For anyone dying to own a home with a pool let me give you a quick peek at the wizard behind the curtain who keeps the pool running. Spoiler alert: He's my husband and he alone keeps Ryobi in business. We are talking hundreds of dollars in pool chemicals, $300 for a new pump after a pipe-busting winter, un-snakable, right-angled pipes that seasoned plumbers won't dare touch. Picture this - my patient and enterprising husband digging up the yard like a gopher in his work clothes in the heat of the day, several days in a row to find THE clog that has eluded him for several weeks...all so that two precious girls can wade and fearlessly dip their chins in the water. The man is a saint,  y'all. The moral of this story? Hoses with sprinkler attachments offer a time honored cheap thrill. Don't sleep on the sweet simplicity.

Once again, James had a week of pool cleaning and prep before him for his "wees" celebration. After filling the pool to the brim he came home from work to find a his oasis turned into a half-empty money pit. On the way home from daycare I broke the news to the girls and explained how much fun the splash pad would be. Just as I finished my pitch, Myka said, "That's ok. Daddy can fix it!" I mean, she has watched him "fix it" all spring and summer. I told her probably not this time and she repeated herself with a big smile on her face.

The girls sat with James...feet dangling above the first exposed step of the shallow end. Water-Schmater, I felt so sad for my man. James battled homeownership and done got beat. He walked into the pool house one last time to solve the mystery. The was no hint of wet grass or a cracked cement. Five minutes passed and I heard him yell, "I did it! It was my fault!" Apparently, after you set the pump to rinse you are supposed to restore it to filter. Essentially, James took the plug out of the drain and forgot.

For anyone dying to know what you do when you lose 15,000 gallons of pool water into the creek behind your house, here is an outline.
1. Laugh. . . scratch your head while frowning and laugh again, from the gut like you mean it
2. Make a giant stack of waffles. No diet food. Full fat and all the sugary syrup
3. Eat your feelings in the form of the aforementioned waffle stack with family while laughing
4. Pray that the water company overlooks your oversight (like for real, pray with us)
5. Calculate the cost of 15,000 gallons of water and then give up because it's confusing and doesn't matter right now.
6. Laugh again because 15,000 is a ridiculous number.
7. Thank God that for the optimism of your child who knew that her "Daddy can fix it!"

Marriage and family life bring about the truth that "It" happens. Whatever it is, it is a lot and ridiculous and inconvenient and costly and maybe it is even your fault but God can fix it. It's not about the problem or the solution. Following Christ is about sure faith in an all-powerful God and the fact that we have a hope that will enter into the inner chamber with Christ interceding for us in the heavenly sanctuary (peep Hebrews 6). My tiny Myka was keeping tabs on her Daddy. She has bold confidence in him. She'd been paying attention to all that He is capable of. She knew his track record would not, could not let her down.  Faith is not meant to be a shaky, impotent, mystical reality it is only logical conclusion for those who choose to believe and pay attention. Thank God for 15,000 more reasons to know that He is good.

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Whatcha Thinking?